The GeoSpatial Intelligence Laboratory (GeoAI Lab) is a research group led by Pro. Tee-Ann Teo at the Department of Civil Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. We aim to develop advanced Geomatics and Geospatial Technologies, with a focus on deep learning, smart city, lidargrammetry, photogrammetry, and satellite remote sensing. Our research group collaborates with researchers in other universities, government agencies and engineering consultant companies.


張智安 Tee-Ann Teo
Ph.D., Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University
2016/08 ~ present
2012/08 ~ 2016/07
2009/08 ~ 2012/07
2008 ~ 2009
2021/01 ~ present
2020/11 ~ present
Research Expertise:
Remote Sensing: data fusion, change detection, etc.
Photogrammetric Computer Vision: geoprocessing, mobile mapping, etc.
Lidargrammetry: feature extraction, full-waveform lidar, etc.
Digital City: 3-D geospatial data modeling, visualization, etc.
Room 214, Engineering Building II, NYCU
03-5712121 ext.54929
Board member, Taiwan Geographic Information Society
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering at NCTU
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering at NCTU
Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research at NCU
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering at NYCU (formerly known as NCTU)
Board member, Chinese Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

梅可欣 Ko-Hsin Mei
Room 413, Engineering Building II, NYCU
03-5712121 ext.54982
Ph.D. Students

李姝儀 Su-Yi Lee

陳沛丞 Pei-Cheng Chen

溫重翰 Tsung-Han Wen

邱繼珉 Chi-Min Chiu
M.S. Students

林育良 Yu-Liang Lin

余灝 Hao Yu

吳以枋 Yi-Fang Wu

呂立怡 Li-Yi Lu

陳亭霓 Ting-Ni Chen

童亭瑄 Ting-Hsuan Tung

陳品涵 Pin-Han Chen

温佩妤Pei-Yu Wen
M.S. Degree - Fall 2024
鄭宇軒 Yu-Xuan Zheng
Automated Road Lane Detection and Reconstruction Using Vehicle-Mounted Stereo Images
M.S. Degree - Fall 2024
李家豪 Chia-Hao Lee
台灣世曦工程顧問公司, 工程師
SkySat 視訊式衛星影像之幾何校正
Geometric Correction of SkySat Satellite Videos
M.S. Degree - Fall 2023
張珉榛 Min-Jhen Chang
達發科技股份有限公司, 工程師
Utilizing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Video for Automatic Vehicle Tracking and Traffic Parameter Estimation
M.S. Degree - Fall 2023
梅可欣 Ko-Hsin Mei
陽明交通大學, 副工程師
Acquisition of 3D Displacement and Finite Strain Fields of Structural Masonry Walls based on Photogrammetric Technique
M.S. Degree - Fall 2023
招博允 Po-Yun Chao
內政部, 技士
Integration of UAV Photogrammetry and Deep Learning for Intelligent Manhole Recognition
M.S. Degree - Fall 2023
楊鎮嘉 Yang, Chen-Chia
中華航空, 航機簽派員
iPad Pro LiDAR 掃描精度分析及 Scan-to-BIM 應用
The Accuracy Analysis of iPad Pro LiDAR and Scan-to-BIM Applications
M.S. Degree - Fall 2022
謝文傑 Wen-Kiat Chia
科建聯合工程顧問有限公司, 結構工程師
Photogrammetric Determination of Large-Scale Masonry Wall Deformation and Curvature from 3D Displacement Fields
M.S. Degree - Fall 2021
李哲維 Che-Wei Li
台灣艾司摩爾, 工程師
Resolving the Vertical Displacements using Different InSAR’s Line-Of-Sight Reprojections
M.S. Degree - Spring 2020
黃紹維 Shao-Wei Huang
台灣世曦工程顧問公司, 工程師
Automated Road Mark Detection and Lane Centerline Generation From Mobile Lidar System
M.S. Degree - Fall 2018
傅于洳 Yu-Ju Fu
國家太空中心, 助理管理師
整合時空融合與深度學習於 Formosat-2與 Landsat-8之時序影像建置
The Generation of Formosat-2 and Landsat-8 Time Series Images Using Spatiotemporal Fusion and Deep Learning Techniques
M.S. Degree - Spring 2018
楊筑鈞 Chu-Chun Yang
台積電, 工程師
Deep Learning-Based Land Cover Classification Using Airborne Lidar and Aerial Imagery
M.S. Degree - Fall 2017
郭宣瑋 Syuan-Wei Kuo
日本teamLab, 工程師
Orientation Modelling for RGB-D Images using Angle and Distance Combined Adjustment
M.S. Degree - Fall 2017
張芷菱 Chih-Ling Chang
A semi-automation framework for the extraction of indoor information and application from BIM to OSM
M.S. Degree - Fall 2016
溫張雲晟 Yun-Cheng Wen-Chang
國家中山科學研究院, 工程師
Automatic Blur Index Estimation using Image-Derived Features
Ph.D. Degree - Fall 2016
吳憲珉 Hsien-Ming Wu
國防大學環境資訊及工程學系, 助理教授
Radiometric Block Adjustment of Multi-strip Airborne Lidar Intensity and Land Cover Classification
M.S. Degree - Fall 2016
張正岳 Cheng-Yueh Chang
豐原地政事務所, 公職
The Generation of 3D Point Clouds using Video-based Panorama Images
M.S. Degree - Spring 2016
郭怡伶 I-Ling Kuo
臺南市政府, 公職
Object-based Semi-Global Matching for Multi-View WorldView-2 Satellite Images
M.S. Degree - Fall 2015
游斯丞 Sz-Cheng Yu
日本, 工程師
以BIM之buildingSMART IFC標準交換格式建置GIS之OGC CityGML及IndoorGML空間資料
The Generation of GIS/OGC CityGML and IndoorGML Spatial Data based on BIM/buildingSMART IFC Open Data Standard
M.S. Degree - Fall 2015
黃俊軒 Jyun-Syuan Huang
高雄市政府, 公職
Feature Assessment in Object -Based Classification of Spectral and Lidar Features
M.S. Degree - Fall 2014
詹凱智 Kai-Zhi Zhan
Detection and restoration of motion blur for UAV imagery
M.S. Degree - Fall 2013
游惠琳 Hui-Lin Yu
中壢地政事務所, 公職
Radiometric Normalization of Terrestrial Mobile Lidar System
M.S. Degree - Fall 2013
邱繼珉 Chi-Min Chiu
TomTom, 工程師
Pole-like Road Object Extraction from Mobile Lidar System Based on Multi-scale Approach
M.S. Degree - Fall 2013
卓冠勳 Kuan-Hsun Cho
櫛構科技, Co-Funder & CTO
BIM-Assisted GIS for Indoor and Outdoor Combined Route Planning
M.S. Degree - Fall 2012
葉宛宜 Wan-Yi Yeh
海悅不動產行銷, 專案管理
The Extraction of Weak Laser Pulses from Airborne Waveform Lidar Data using Waveform Stacking Method
M.S. Degree - Fall 2012
連以諾 Yi-No Lien
The Extraction of Road Regions and Road Marks from Mobile Lidar Point Clouds based on Knowledge of Road
M.S. Degree - Fall 2011
游昭儀 Chao-Yi Yu
以嚴密幾何模式進行ALOS PRISM及PALSAR影像之方位重建
Orientation Modeling of ALOS PRISM and PALSAR Imagery using Rigorous Sensor Model
M.S. Degree - Fall 2011
黃世涵 Shih-Han Huang
台積電, RD
Registration of Airborne Lidar and Mobile Lidar Point Clouds Using Least Squares 3-D Surface Matching
M.S. Degree - Fall 2011
林郁珊 Yu-Shan Lin
內政部地政司, 公職
Waveform Analysis and Landcover Classification Using Airborne Full-Waveform Lidar Data
M.S. Degree - Fall 2010
陳信瑜 Hsin-Yu Chen
高雄市政府, 公職
特徵匹配於AVNIR-2影像與PALSAR影像 之影像套合
Feature-based Image Registration of AVNIR-2 and PALSAR Images
M.S. Degree - Fall 2010
高崇軒 Chung-Hsuan Kao
科技業, 工程師
3-D Line Extraction for Building Façade Using Multiple Close-Range Images